Bitter Sweet Theory

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My old chemistry teacher, Trixiebelle, told me that once a theory had been created (such as the those on atoms) they were treated as fact (to an extent) until prooved wrong. This is why we are taught what an atom looks like, even though no microscope is powerful enough to see one on it's own.
Therefore, I blame this and the other theories on her.
My esteemed friend Yoshiyuki Kakihara helped me with this theory, and all the complex mathematics. Blame Yoshi if they make no sense ^^. Well, the whole theory is pretty shady. We made it while in Starbucks.

Andrew’s theory of bitter sweet:

      “On the ‘taste scale’ “bitter” lies at one end, with “sweet” at the other end of the spectrum, and “perfect” in the middle [see Fig. 1]. Therefore, by mixing a sweet substance with one of bitter persuasion in the correct quantities, a neutralising effect will act on the liquids, resulting in a new substance of perfect taste.”




Who's Laughing Now?
"Mixing a Bitter taste and a Sweet taste makes a perfect flavour? Ludicrous!"
I know that's what many of you were thinking, but I'd just like to point out that Strongbow have released a new drink.
New Bitter Sweet Strongbow.
Need I say more?