Frisbie Theory

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This one's all mine ^^

Ok, so picture this. We believe that atoms etc are the smallest things there are, and that everything is made of them. 
I got to thinking. Electrons 'orbit' the nucleus, much like planets orbit a star. on each electron, there could be entire ecosystems. Even tiny, tiny, little people.
Then I thought some more. If that is a possibility (and no-one can say it isn't, as no-one can see that well), then it is also possible that we, ourselves, live on just such an electron orbiting a nucleus. What we have seen with our telescopes may not be 'galaxies' but some objects made up of atoms.
For all we know, we could be, infact, sitting in a box of luminous frisbies.
Whats more, the people who think of those frisbies as being made of nothing more than atoms could also be living on an electron, and so it goes on.
Who can know for sure.


After I had made this theory, I began to think about what could have put the idea in my head. the bitter sweet theory was based on countless experiments and demonstrations of mixing acids and alkalis in chemistry class, whereas the wall theory was merely the result of many years spent wondering "what's beyond space?"
But to decide that the galaxies are frisbies is a little different. There is no perversion of an existing theory, nor simplistic childish logic. On second thoughts, there's plenty of the latter, but never mind.
No, the answer lies in my inherent unwillingness to acept anything unless it is proven to me. Since Trixiebelle first told me that no-one had seen a lone atom, it has seemed strange that we should be taught about them. If no one has seen anything smaller than a group of atoms, then how do we know that they are ever alone? Perhaps they like the company of others too much.
Similarly, it is a perfect example of Man's arrogance that the idea of anything smaller than an electron has been discredited. just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
As I once heard somebody ask: "Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? I haven't, but they must exist, for thousands decend on the streets of our cities everyday."
This is the first, and probably also the last time I have/will justify one of my theories. However, once the points I have made are considered, it becomes illogical to dismiss the frisbie theory as impossible nonesense, even though it seems likely that it is. 

Incidently, you can buy frisbies like the one shown above here
